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Wesley Enhanced Living - Doylestown

Inspection Results

Nursing Homes Pennsylvania Doylestown Wesley Enhanced Living - Doylestown

Wesley Enhanced Living - Doylestown has been cited for a total of 2 deficiencies since we began saving each survey. We believe it is worthwhile to show how things are and were. Some improve and some get worse. Rather than a snapshot, we take s longer view than most. A longer view, we believe, paints a better and more worthwhile picture. We start from them most recent and go back as you scroll down.

Tip: Surveys happen throughout the year and you may want to check with the location or here to see if more recent data is available for Wesley Enhanced Living - Doylestown.

Since we bagan longer term (multi year tracking, numbers will naturally be higher than 3 (or so surverys).
There are 690 nursing homes in Pennsylvania with a total of 34,897 deficiencies resulting in an average of 50.58 deficiencies per nursing home.

The following table describes how deficiencies are scored. An easy way to remember the severity of a deficiency's scope is that the further along in the alphabet (A through L) the scope value is, the more severe the deficiency is.
Additionally, A through F means no actual harm has happened.

Table describing the severity and scope of deficiencies

Learn more about:
How Nursing Home Inspections are Conducted SNF, CCRS, and ALFs Estate Planning
Deficiency Cited, Scope, survery date, stems from a complaint, and Date of Correction
Provide care or services that was trauma informed and/or culturally competent.
Quality of Life and Care Deficiencies
From Complaint:
Survey Date:

Provide enough food/fluids to maintain a resident's health.
Quality of Life and Care Deficiencies
From Complaint:
Survey Date:

Learn more about Wesley Enhanced Living - Doylestown at the following resources

Inspection Results Penalty Enforcements Maps and Directions
Staff Size Medicare Ratings Ratings Comparison
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Wesley Enhanced Living - Doylestown

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